Saturday, June 27, 2009


Liz Slokar has volunteered to take our weedy waste to Western Disposal for commercial composting. Thank you very much! It is important to divert our waste away from the landfill, so we are committed to making compost instead of methane (vegetable matter decomposing without oxygen produces methane a potent green-house gas, according to Eco-cycle.) I may need to ask other people with trucks to also take our weeds. I've asked the city and Eco-cycle if we can get some kind of official compost pick-up, as well as recycling pick-up. The city has committed to starting a pilot compost project in 2010, maybe they will start with us.

Right now I have a little bin by the front gate of the West Side that is just for weeds we can't compost, like thistle and bindweed. Please, no plastic, dirt, or rocks! We pay by the ton.

Things we can compost include hair, vegetable plant parts, chopped up corn or sunflower stalks, kitchen vegetable waste, leaves, flower garden trimmings, and cut grass. Please bury food scraps in the compost.

I have topped-up the compost in bin 5 on the West Side. We (you can contribute here) will be using pitch-forks to flip it into bin 7, then back into bin 5, no more once than every third day. It should be as moist as a wrung-out sponge. See the shed door for details.

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