Sunday, March 28, 2010

We had a fabulous workshare day today. We had a fantastic turnout for the new-gardener meet-and-greet! Thirty-seven people! I got to meet many new gardeners and hang out while eating pizza in the sun. We cleaned up the garden and freed our perennials from debris. A big shout out to the people who helped rip out the old compost bin on the east side and pour concrete for the new bin. That was hard work! Please let me know right away if you do not want your photos taged with your name (children's names are not published online for security) . It's a good way to connect names with faces so that we can get to know each other. And you are invited to add photos and comments to our Facebook site, as a fan. Talk to me if you want to contribute to the blog.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The volunteer day was postponed due to weather. (Yes, it snowed on me when I went running today.) Rescheduled for Sunday, March 28th at11 am. Hopefully it will be a little warmer and the ground will be dry enough to dig holes for the compost bin.

I will be more timely about this blog in the future! Any gardeners who are really tuned-in to on-line posting can volunteer to add to this blog (talk to me) or can add content to the Facebook page as a fan. Also, the newsletter is always looking for cool stuff, like Paul Weiss's photos of the winter garden.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Gardening Season

Happy Spring, Gardeners!

From the Newsletter:

Orientation & Workshare Reminder

Our 2010 Orientation will be Saturday, March
27 at 9a.m. at the garden. All new gardeners
are required to attend. Returning gardeners
are encouraged to attend as well - come get to
know our new gardeners!

The first workshare of 2010 will follow the
orientation: March 27 from 10a.m. to 2p.m.
Our first big project of the year will be
rebuilding the East garden compost bins.

This pile of wood is the new compost bin, ready to be installed in place. Paul Weiss and David Pinter worked all day Saturday cutting the wood, shaping it, and attaching it together. Thanks, guys!